Thursday, November 6, 2008


Hi everybody, is a nice day to die and a nice day to post a blog. After my Signal and System quiz, I am free like a bird, can eat as much chicken meat as I like. Feel like having some hot wings in West CyWings now, Honey mustard is definetely the best. Well, who cares about how many chicken wings I had on Tuesday, they are just curious when I will be as fat as a chicken. Haihzzz, friends like Mike is one of them. Lolz.

Back to topic, why I Sense Death tonight? Sense Death in Hyland 202. I think Chris feel the same way too. Currently, I am writing this blog to address how crazy is in 202 especially TAI, the Tasmanian Devil is getting crazy. He is mumbling to himself and keep saying "Hey JIM". This is Kemelampaunas. Someone please Cool Down TAI.

( Tai is really High after having Weed, Crazy)

Weed, Cigaratte, Poker and Patron definetely are their favourites including the word " Niggas"(lolz). Weed drives them crazy just like tonight; Cigarrete are motivating them not to sleep and Poker is driving them singing some Gay songs and shouting like a nigga. Oh No, they are getting high; singing " Stacks on deck, Patron no ice, you can do Whatever you Like, Yeahhh..." Patron will be in the weekends since tomorrow we are still having classes.

(Laughing like mad people from Tanjung Rambutan)

( Yu is hallucinating, I guess, Lolz)

( Listening to Base and getting really high in 202. Sense Death!!)

(I am just a camera man; they keep saying some random shit. Observe it carefully, they are "jogeting")

It is so crazy right now, I SENSE DEATH!!! Wanna sense it, come to Hyland 202, we are the masters.

Peace Guys.
P.S: Hyland is the immitation of Disneyland in ISU. Lolz


yuyu said...


EeNeE said...

omg i sensed death by watching the video also -_-