My friends, what will you think I am doing in my golden night? I am sure you guys will say I am looking for girls. Well, I am not, because I behave unlike my friends in Purdue,Arizona and San Francissco HAHA. I hope this blog can entertaint my closest friends during the leisure.
I am really lucky to get to study in the United States, studying in one of the top 50 universities in Electrical Engineering major. My parents always assume that my life in the universities is just studying, doing research and continue studying. Well, is true that my objective is to achieve a good grades and get a good job in the future. My routine of life in the weekdays is almost the same as my pet. My dog always guard in front of my house and then wating to eat in the night. I am not a dog, but my routine is almost the same for every weekdays. Everyday have to study or work on assignments till midnight. If I am not studying that day, my academics will be a disaster, because I have no idea what is the professor is trying to reach us in that class. Textbook and TA are my best friends, but not the professors. When Friday arrives, my night life has begun. It is just a normal day in Malaysia, but it is not the same in US. I named Friday night as the Golden Night. Why? Well, one of the good reason is, I don't have to touch any of my books on Friday.
Back in Malaysia, Friday night is a family reunion night for me. We will go to the mall to shop or go for a movie in the big cinema. I do really miss cinemas in Malaysia; it is big,the seats are so comfortable and the price is cheap. In Ames, the cinemas are horrible. I can describe it with two words: Sucks and expensive. This type of cinema definetly will get bankrupt in my hometown. Honestly, I went to cinemas just twice in Ames. Can you imagine how madness I am having right now; I went to cinema every week back in my country. Here,just twice in 10 months, crazy!!!!

( I really miss Malaysia's Cinemas and nice caramel popcorn.)
In the United States, I learn how to drink alchol, but I don;t really drink that much due to my family genes. Please don't tell my parents after reading my blog. HAHA. Sometimes in the Friday night, my friends invite me to their party . We drink a little and we play poker. It is just a normal party, but it helps us to release a lot of stress and tension during that week. When we play poker, we gamble. 1 dollar for 4 thousand chips; Don't think is just a small amount, one my seniors won 120,000 chips that night,is 30 bucks. That is CRAZY!! Ten of us sit sat around the poker table and start playing. Suddenly, someone will shout “ ALLIN”. And most of the players will start folding. Just remain 2 to 3 players in that game. Players who are folded will keep shouting to increase the atmosphere of that game and the winner will yelled. All the frustration that has been keep it for the entire week has been released. Losers will said “ LANJIAO” and continue to drink beer. We played till 3 am and then everyone is so tired. We just sleep in that apartment together. Sounds gay and yet my friends are hugging each other to sleep. It was so funny.
(Our Best Poker Place is in North Hyland 245)
(One of my senior,Kudut-X is acting pro in Poker, but in reality he is not. Hehe)
Since most of our friends are stil single, we always hang out together on Friday night and weekends. In other Fridays, we will cook together and enjoy the feast just like family reunion back in hometown. We cook Malaysian Food such as Bak Kut Teh and curry. Most of the time, I am the chef since I can cook better compare to my friends. It is unbelievable that I can cook, because before leaving to US, I can fried eggs only. Seems like I am getting more independent and mature. LOLZ.
Can you believe I cook Curry? I spend 2 hours to cook this food, and is yummy!!
Continue next day(time to sleep)